BCM Consulting has long-standing relationships with many state, local, and federal elected officials, administrative department heads and the leadership of numerous community foundations. This decades long effort has built genuine political capital, solid reputation and a strategic position in a wide range of organizations in order to serve you and your firm.
Our first-hand knowledge of these decision makers and relationships with the key players that surround them can make or break your campaign for their alignment with your cause.
Our approach is driven by these longstanding relationships, and access to these individuals is many times simply a phone call away. A quick coffee, or an e-mail away. Much of our time is spent with our clients early on strategically identifying these key players, and establishing introductions and relationships for upcoming decisions.
Our responsibility to you is to have a trusted enough relationship with the correct individual to ask the hard questions, and ensure your project or program has a smooth transition through the needed channels.
To learn what we can do for you, please contact us. It would be our pleasure to serve you.